The Control Factor
C - 2 + 14z = 710Y + 409 430
Note: We were given the majority of this information in
This formula describes a molecular structure just outside
the earth's rim that is the CONTROL FACTOR that governs the
complete particle interchange process of our solar system.
The balanced formula is given as C - 2 + 14 14z = 710Y +
409 409, however the current situation on our planet has the formula
reading something like
C - 2 + 14 14z = 710Y + 430 – which is out of balance.
Two main technological advances, electricity and
radioactive particle production (and the spreading of those
particles through explosions, power plants, etc.), are creating an
imbalance in this formula. Evidence of this imbalance is
becoming more and more apparent. The ozone holes (which
continue to worsen), the increase in storms, earthquakes, and
volcanic eruptions; the gravitational fluctuations and the sun’s
erratic behavior are all indications of a serious imbalance in the
system. We will briefly discuss this evidence of imbalance.
The ionosphere is not merely an "ozone layer" or "invisible
gases" but it is a rim of pulsing neutrons that is the
DISTRIBUTION ZONE for the energy that supplies this planet.
Electrical power plants are now forming ionospheric neutrons
into electricity at a rate whereby the FEED SOURCE that provides
our planet with energy cannot sustain this protective rim, thus
ozone depletion is happening. REPEAT: ELECTRICITY IS THE
generate energy from a natural attract-attract principle. People
will soon be able to observe the core structure of the electron,
then the need to stop generating electricity will be well
understood because the effects of electricity will be clearly
The molecular structure C - 2 + 14 14z = 710Y + 409
governs the conditions within the entire earth system, including
the conditions of our atmosphere. As this governing molecular
structure is affected by electricity and radioactive particle
production, our environment reaps the consequences. For
example, storms start as an imbalance in the magnetic field that
creates the physical manifestations (tornadoes, hurricanes,
lightning, etc.) that are attempts to regain balance. The storms
will get worse as humans throw off the magnetic harmonies of
the earth with more and more destructive technology. REPEAT:
Like wise, almost all geological activity is the result of the
earth regaining or reestablishing balance in the magnetic grid.
The earth depends on atomic consistency in the elemental
vibrations. Humans have created elements that do not occur in
nature and then humans spread those elements throughout the
system. This radical molecular contamination is far more serious
than scientists have realized. The future of our species depends
on redistribution or nucleic breakdown of radioactive particles.
The energy exchange between the earth and sun is
continuous and largely interdependent. The conditions on earth
are reflected by the sun and visa versa. The earth and sun will
purge the system of radioactive waste and a new magnetic grid
will be established for earth.
The variables in this formula (C, z, & Y) represent energies
that are constantly changing to keep both sides of the equation
in perfect balance. This formula represents a system in motion.
The molecular structure (represented by this formula) is
designed to keep perfect harmony between the Center Point or
KING PIN, around which the total Universe takes its preordained
course, and the Earth. The left side is the energy from the
Universe coming into our Solar System and the right side is the
manifestation of that energy. The problem is that we are
currently experiencing an imbalance of energy on earth because
of our technological influence. This imbalance is causing an
unwanted change to the Y part of the formula. Fusion, fission,
and electricity are creating harmonic rifts in the Universal
tapestry that must be mended.
The impact of electricity and radioactive particles is now
responsible for the destructive distortion of the 710 units of
combustible factors. Humans have misused natural forces to
create unnatural elements, which are now a major contributing
factor to the timing of the DRASTIC EARTH CHANGES that are
about to occur. The earth, and the system it is part of, is in the
process of rebalancing itself with a pole shift and a series of
gravitational/energetic changes. Some people will say that God is
punishing the people on earth for their sins, but nothing could be
further from the truth. The current and coming earth changes are
critical to our survival.
We will try to explain the formula further:
At this stage of our human understanding this formula
serves more as an explanatory tool of the workings of our solar
system, compared to a scientific equation for taking
C is the magnetic light, in this instance, without
considering time and space.
- 2 is the number of planets Earth is away from the center of
our Solar System, identified as Z or Jupiter.
+14z is Jupiter at 14°, the 14 being the magnetic light arc as
it travels from the center, Jupiter, to the Earth at a 14° angular.
The Z represents the units of magnetic energy coming from
Jupiter to earth.
When the left side of the equation is calculated, it equals
710 units of combustible factors; these factors are multiplied
with Y. All of the combinations of combustible factors result in
the production of 409 elements that structure the Universe.
Y is the combustible factor of the elements. Y represents
every energy polarity or signature necessary for the
manifestation and redistribution of any molecular combination. Y
helps organize the 710 combustible factors into the 409 elements
that make up the physical world. Everything that exists within
our planetary system has a specific energy vibration that keeps
every group of molecules together or allows them to separate –
these energy vibrations are represented as Y. All elements have
a specific energy combination that can be formulated or broken
down. All elements are combustible with the right energy field or
polarity. The magnetic lock that holds all molecules together can
be opened or closed with the proper energy field, and this
process does not require heat as we are used to thinking. Of
course all elements can be burned with high enough heat, but
that is not the kind of combustion we are talking about. The
combustible factors can transmute elements into the preordained
patterns that are imprinted on their molecular
templates or break down the molecular structures into a more
neutral polarity. The process is continuous and the number of
energy polarities represented by Y adjusts as necessary.
Humans have used destructive technology to force certain
molecules to separate and join in a manner that does not
naturally occur. This violation of natural law produces drastic
consequences that the system must rectify.
The 710 combustible factors are variations of magnetic
energy and are concentrated in our atmosphere. These
combustible factors are combinations of earth, air, sound, speed
and light and they provide the polarities to form the 409 elements
of the physical world. We are not experiencing many elements
available to us at this time. Living energy systems on earth must
exist within these combustible factors to operate at full
potential. If a living energy system attempts to exist or operate
outside of the ionoshere, it will not maintain normal functioning.
For example, if humans leave our atmosphere and do not have
the appropriate energy field on their spacecraft, their bodies will
not function properly. Gravity, or compressed magnetism, is the
overseeing force that allows the combustible factors and
elements to exist.
The letter C commonly denotes the speed of light in
scientific equations. The element light mentioned as one of the
factors of Y is not the light identified as "C" at the start of this
molecular structure equation. This is important to note. This
formula explains how pulsed light particles emitting from the
center of the Universe travel to our solar system at variable
'speeds' outside of time and space. This formula is primarily
concerned with how the high speed pulsed light energy,
represented as C, is transmuted into magnetic energy which then
creates a speed change that is considerably slower. This formed
magnetic energy is captured by our Solar System and is then
transmuted into an energy that supplies and sustains our Sun.
The light pulses then leave our Sun (and other stars) at about 4
times the speed of light waves (light waves are about 186,000
miles a second). The pulses elongate into waves when they come
into contact with something. This formula is primarily for our
Solar System. Contrary to popular opinion, Jupiter, not the Sun,
should be seen as the center of our Solar System when trying to
understand the energy dynamics of the system. To understand
the full impact of the formula, it is necessary to look at the solar
system with Jupiter as the center.
Again, a nearly infinite number of combinations of the 710
units of combustible factors produce a nearly infinite number of
combinations of the 409 elements (which are a combination of
earth, air, sound, speed, and light). The left side of the equation
is designed to equal the right side: near infinity = near infinity.
This formula is in keeping with the fact that, "All energy was and
is created ongoing from the SOURCE of all." Note that the
primary energy force in the Universal system is the vortex.
The presently held LAW of entropy is completely false. All
magnetic molecular structures are in a constant state of change
forming and re-forming with the action always resulting in 100%
efficiency. All universal systems proceed to take their prescribed
course of action with pre-ordained precision from the Creator
Force, utilizing a process of time during the forming and
reforming of structures until 'given evolution' results. Yes,
scientists have observed randomness in the cosmos, and they
believe the events they observe have no order, however, the
randomness is not RANDOM. The Universe functions perfectly in
a PATTERN AS NEEDED while repeating in a random sequence.
As the scientific community makes advances in the field of
magnetic pulse detection, people will be able to monitor exactly
how many units of combustible factors arrive here from Jupiter
at any given moment, thereby maintaining the Earth's energy
needs. People will observe that the energy from Jupiter is then
used by the Earth as needed, and the Earth simultaneously
imparts energy to our Sun where it helps to sustain the Sun's
energy that is again returned to Earth. The Earth is the vacuum
of our planetary system, the final point where energy is recycled
back into the Universal system. The pollution produced on Earth
affects not only our planet, but other planetary systems as well.
Contaminated magnetic energy travels from our planet
instantaneously to other systems forcing other beings to cope
with our pollution. We are truly connected to a much larger
community than we like to think.
We must stop seeing our Earth as an independent, isolated
and non-contributing part of this Universe. We must begin to
understand that we can no longer move against nature but we
must now utilize what is being offered for the benefit of the
world. We have long overlooked, through greed, the use of FREE
magnetic energy, and the time to expand our minds is now at
hand because our planet is soon to find itself extinct if we do